Mondomusica, Cremona, Italy, 22nd - 24th September 2023

If not working, video is also available here:


reference for luthiers

Mondomusica has become an essential reference for luthiers the world over.

 international fair

Increasingly international: Brazil, Australia, Israel, Korea and Taiwan.


 dynamic range

Good feedbacks on the dynamic range confirm the acoustic performance of these models.


 bass Planet

The Despiau Planet label is obviously a conscientious choice for both luthiers and musicians, who are more sensitive to the sound of their bridge than to its aesthetic appeal.

violin Planet


Musicians and their luthiers come to us for a made-to-measure selection.

 selection for Andrea Obiso

Gregg ALF, Nicolas DESPIAU & Andrea OBISO
Gregg ALF, Nicolas DESPIAU & Andrea OBISO


Cremona Musica's interview with Nicolas DESPIAU:
Official website: